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Friday, May 27, 2011

Today in Class: May 27th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Identify and use comparative and superlative adjectives in writing.

Seedfolks: Listen to "Curtis" and "Nora" / Read "Maricella" - complete packet
Grammar: Adverbs Notes & Practice

1. Have a terrific 3 day weekend!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today in Class: May 26th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Describe the challenges and obstacles faced by two characters in the novels we read this year.

Warm-up: Collect homework (essay & list of 6th grade challenges)
Seedfolks: Listen to "Sae Young" / Read "Curtis"
How-to Presentations

1. Complete "Curtis" packet page

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today in Class: May 25th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Describe the challenges and obstacles faced by two characters in the novels we read this year.

Warm-up: Please write down your homework
Seedfolks: Listen to "Virgil" / Go over packet / Read & Complete packet page for "Sae Young"
How-to Presentations
Time to work
1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Finish essay by tomorrow
3. Brainstorm a list of the challenges and obstacles that you and other students faced as 6th graders in your first year at Pine Grove.

Today in Class: May 24th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Describe the challenges and obstacles faced by two characters in the novels we read this year.

First Things First: Get a dictionary / Collect owed work
Challenges & Obstacles Final Essay: Continue working
Seedfolks: Part 2 Vocabulary Preview
How-to Presentations

1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Work on essay

Monday, May 23, 2011

Today in Class: May 23rd

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Describe the challenges and obstacles faced by two characters in the novels we read this year.

Warm-up: Get out your Seedfolks Packet, Bio Poem, and Signed Grade Report
Bio Poems: Share / Collect
Challenges & Obstacles Final Essay: Review Criteria / Start graphic organizer
How-to Presentations

1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Work on Challenges & Obstacles essay - due on Thursday.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Today in Class: May 20th

Learning Goals:

1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.

2. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.

Warm-up: Collect 5 Sense Poems & Bio Poem rough drafts
How-to Presentations: Meet with partner to improve your report and get ideas for presentation / Sign up for a presentation date
Seedfolks: Listen to "Sam" / Discuss Chapter / Complete Packet:
  1. Find ten additional vocabulary words between pages 1-28, write down the correct dictionary definition and draw a color picture for each. (Make sure all vocab picture are in color.)
  2. Look over packet to make sure you have complete sentences with correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.
  3. On the back of your packet, complete an Artful Artist drawing of any part between pages 1-28.
1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Complete Bio Poem Final Copy by Monday
3. Finish Seedfolks Packet (see above to make sure you've included everything)
4. Get grade report signed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today in Class: May 19th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.

Warm-up: Make sure you have a sharpened pencil
Seedfolks: Listen to "Leona" / Review packet / Read "Sam" together
How-To Presentations
Bio Poem: Review format / start rough draft **Use specific vivid details!! (Periods 6/7 Only)

1. Prepare for How-to Presentations
2. Finish 2 Five Sense Poem Final Copies by Friday
3. Finish Bio Poem Final Copy by Monday

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today in Class: May 18th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.

Warm-up: Go over Adjectives Homework together
Seedfolks: Listen to "Gonzalo" / Review packet / Read "Leona" together
How-To Presentations
Bio Poem: Review format / start rough draft **Use specific vivid details!! (Period 1 Only)

1. Prepare for How-to Presentations
2. Two Five Sense Poem final copies due Thursday
3. Leona Packet Page
4. Finish Bio Poem rough draft by tomorrow (Periods 1/3 Only)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today in Class: May 17th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.

Warm-up: Adjectives Practice / Collect Five Sense Poems
Seedfolks: Listen to "Wendell" / Review packet / Read "Gonzalo" together
Adjectives: Practice!

1. How-to Presentations - Starting tomorrow
2. Adjectives Worksheet
3. Two Five Sense Poem final copies due Thursday
4. Gonzalo Packet Page

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today in Class: May 16th

Learning Goals:
1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Create a Five Sense Poem with specific metaphors.

Warm-up: Share Haiku
Five Sense Poem: Review Criteria / Start rough drafts
Seedfolks: Listen to "Kim" & "Ana" / Review packet / Read "Wendell" together

1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Finish Alphabet Poem rough draft
3. Complete "Wendell" in Seedfolks Packet

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today in Class: May 11th

Learning Goals:
1. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.
2. Extend knowledge of the ideas and vocabulary found in Seedfolks

Warm-up: Finish Adjectives page 85
How-to Report: Collect final copies
Adjectives: Complete page 86 with a partner
Seedfolks: Concept & Vocabulary Preview - Part I

1. Complete Adjectives worksheet pages 87/88 (due Friday)
2. Finish haiku final copies (due Friday)
3. Complete How-to Presentation by assigned date

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today in Class: May 10th

Learning Goals:
1. Fine tune how-to report.
2. Use the correct syllable format create a haiku.
3. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.

Warm-up: Look over your haiku poems.
How-to Report: Fine tune final copy / Sign up for a presentation date (Periods 3 & 7)
Haiku: Share / check syllables
Adjectives: Notes/Discussion; Paired Practice

Complete How-to presentation by assigned date

Monday, May 9, 2011

Today in Class: May 9th

Learning Goals:
1. Collaborate with a partner to edit how-to reports.
2. Use the correct syllable format create a haiku.

Warm-up: Record spelling scores in portfolio
How-to Report: Meet with partner to improve your report and get ideas for presentation / Sign up for a presentation date
Haiku: Gather inspiration / write four poems (one for each season)

1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Bring four seasonal haiku to class tomorrow (one for each season)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Today in Class: May 6th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meanings of words from different cultures. 
2. Identify and use subject/object pronouns in writing.
3. Write a well-organized and clear how-to report.

  • Warm-up: Set up paper for Spelling Quiz (Unit 5, Week 2)
  • Spelling Quiz: Unit 5, Week 2
  • Subject and Object Pronouns: Review Notes / Partner Practice
  • How-to Report: Type/Conference/Edit                                     (In the library Periods 3 & 7)
1. Work on How-to presentation if needed

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today in Class: May 5th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meanings of words from different cultures. 
2. Organize and write a How-to Report

  • Warm-up: Get out Maniac Magee book; Write down homework; Review for word meaning quiz
  • Spelling: Unit 5, Week 2 Word Meaning Quiz
  • How-to Report: Review format; Start typing rough draft in the library (Periods 3 & 7)
  • Grammar: Subject & Object Pronouns / Notes/Discussion
1. Study for Unit 5, Week 2 Spelling Quiz tomorrow
2. Plan How-to Presentation

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today in Class: May 4th

  • Morning: ELA State Test, Day 2 (Conventions Multiple Choice, Listening & Reading Comprehension - Short Answer & Essay)
  • Afternoon: Continue "Maniac Magee" movie (Periods 1 & 3)
1. Continue to work on how-to project

Today in Class: May 3rd

  • Morning: ELA State Test, Day 1 (Reading Comprehension & Multiple Choice)
  • Afternoon: Continue "Maniac Magee" movie (Periods 6 & 7)
1. Get plenty of rest and make sure to have a good breakfast.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Today in Class: May 2nd

Learning Goals:
1. Organize and write a how-to report.

Warm-up: In your writing journal, predict what you think the Maniac Magee movie will be like. For example - What changes do you think the producers will make? What do you think will be the same?
Making Inferences: Review Packet
How-to Report: Meet with Mrs. Allen to approve your graphic organizer
Maniac Magee: Start watching the movie

Get plenty of sleep tonight and make sure to have a good breakfast tomorrow morning!