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Friday, May 20, 2011

Today in Class: May 20th

Learning Goals:

1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.

2. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.

Warm-up: Collect 5 Sense Poems & Bio Poem rough drafts
How-to Presentations: Meet with partner to improve your report and get ideas for presentation / Sign up for a presentation date
Seedfolks: Listen to "Sam" / Discuss Chapter / Complete Packet:
  1. Find ten additional vocabulary words between pages 1-28, write down the correct dictionary definition and draw a color picture for each. (Make sure all vocab picture are in color.)
  2. Look over packet to make sure you have complete sentences with correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.
  3. On the back of your packet, complete an Artful Artist drawing of any part between pages 1-28.
1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Complete Bio Poem Final Copy by Monday
3. Finish Seedfolks Packet (see above to make sure you've included everything)
4. Get grade report signed.