1. Extend the knowledge of ideas, vocabulary, and characters in Seedfolks.
2. Identify and use vivid adjectives in writing.
Warm-up: Collect 5 Sense Poems & Bio Poem rough drafts
How-to Presentations: Meet with partner to improve your report and get ideas for presentation / Sign up for a presentation date
Seedfolks: Listen to "Sam" / Discuss Chapter / Complete Packet:
- Find ten additional vocabulary words between pages 1-28, write down the correct dictionary definition and draw a color picture for each. (Make sure all vocab picture are in color.)
- Look over packet to make sure you have complete sentences with correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.
- On the back of your packet, complete an Artful Artist drawing of any part between pages 1-28.
1. Work on How-to Presentation
2. Complete Bio Poem Final Copy by Monday
3. Finish Seedfolks Packet (see above to make sure you've included everything)
4. Get grade report signed.