... describe triangles by the size of their angles and the lengths of their sides.
... find, analyse, and present information about a research topic.
Agenda (Day 2 - Art, Chorus & Band)
- Warm-up (7:35-8:00) - Finish Warm-up Packet
- Art & Chorus (8:00-9:30)
- Language & Reading (9:30 - 11:15)
- 2014 Winter Olympics - mini research project
- Spelling Quiz
- Math (12:10-1:10) - Unit 5: Polygons - Triangles
- Band / Study Hall / Intervention Time (1:10 - 1:55)
ELA:- Read 15 minutes
- If possible, watch some of the Winter Olympics (NBC or video through websites)
- Finish pages 3 and 4