... build my independent reading stamina.
... understand different book genre.
... find the multiples and factors of a number.
Agenda (Day 2 - Music & Band)
- Warm-up & Announcements (7:35-8:00)
- Nutrition (8:00 - 8:40) -
- Math (8:45 - 9:45) - Factors, Multiples, Prime, Composite, Solving Number Puzzles
- ELA (9:45 - 10:15) - Exploring Book Genre; building reading stamina
- Reading Groups (11:00 - 11:30)
- Writing (11:30-12:15) - Strategies for Generating Personal Narratives
- Lunch (12:20 - 12:55)
- Writing, cont. (1:00 - 1:40)
ELA - Read 20 minutesMATH -Play "Guess My Number"