... improve my understanding of geography, politics, economics, culture, and diversity.
... use strategies to write a powerful personal narrative.
... use strategies to divide whole numbers.
Agenda (Day 1 - Phys. Ed & Library)
- Warm-up & Announcements (7:35-8:00)
- Social Studies (8:00 - 8:40) - Sharing Vocab Sculptures; "Who were the first Americans?"
- Math (8:45 - 9:45) - Review for Unit 1 Benchmark
- ELA (9:45 - 10:15) - "Wonder" preview, Read & Discuss together
- Reading Groups (11:00 - 11:30)
- Writing (11:45-12:15) - Sharing final drafts
- Lunch & Recess (12:20 - 1:10)
- Library (1:10 - 1:50)
ELA1. Read 20 minutes
2. Finish Spelling "Tic Tac Toe" - due tomorrow
MATH - Review for Unit 1 Benchmark Wednesday