... use electrical energy to create sound and motion energy.
... identify and order percentage and fractional equivalents.
... organize information about a topic.
Agenda (Day 3 - Phys. Ed)
- Warm-up & Announcements (7:35-8:00)
- Science (8:00 - 8 40) - Finish Buzzer
- Math (8:45 - 9:45) - Quiz / Fractions on Clocks, Pt 2
- ELA (9:45 - 10:15) - Finish Wonder!
- Reading Groups (11:00 - 11:30)
- Writing (11:30 -12:20) - Continue drafting research report (Minilesson: Using Maps to add details to our writing)
- Lunch & Recess (12:25 - 1:05)
- Science / Writing (1:20 -1:50) - Finish Buzzer / Typing draft
ELA:Complete one of the Wonder responses (should be at least two paragraphs in length - please remember to use details from the novel.)