... add, subtract, and multiply with decimals.
... gather and organize research about a topic.
... explain the causes and effects of extreme weather.
Agenda (Day 1 - Phys. Ed & Library)
- SCIENCE(8:00 - 8:40) - Extreme Weather Group Project
- MATH (8:45 - 9:45) - Decimals & Powers of 10
- SCIENCE(9:45 - 10:10) - Extreme Weather Group Project
- READING GROUPS(11:00 - 11:30)
- ELA/WRITING (11:30 - 12:20) - Biography Research Conferences
- LUNCH & RECESS(12:25 - 1:05)
- LIBRARY (1:10 - 1:50)
READING1. Read biography (take notes as you go)
2. Work on Biography Bottle