Today is Day 4. We have Phys. Ed & Chorus.
I can:
... bring out the theme of my personal narrative.
... recognize the qualities of strong writing about reading.
... subtract numbers from 10,000.
... recognize the qualities of strong writing about reading.
... subtract numbers from 10,000.
... add two 3-digit numbers to get to 1,000.
Our Agenda today is:
- WRITING (8:00 - 9:00) - Bringing out the theme
- READING (9:00 - 10:00) - Writing about Reading
- PHYS. ED (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH (11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Subtracting from 10,000; Adding to 1,000
- CHORUS (1:05 - 1:45)
ELA1. Finish reading Miranda Section
2. Write a strong response in my journal.