Our goals:
.... use fraction bars to represent multiplying a whole number by a fraction.
... collaborate with others to discuss reading and response to reading analytically.
... understand and use words with Greek & Latin Roots related to seeing and sound.
Our Agenda today is:
- No Bully Zone Presentation(8:00-8:25)
- Word Study(8:25-9:00) Kahoot Review / Quiz
- READING(9:00 - 10:00) - Book Clubs, Read-to-Self / Assessments
- PHYS. ED(10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Intro to Multiplying a Fraction by a Whole Number
- CHORUS(1:05 - 1:45)
ELA1. Read ______ Pages ____ for Book Club