Happy Leap Day!!
Today is Day 4. We have Phys. Ed & Chorus.
Our goals:
I can find equivalent equations by doubling, halving, tripling, and thirding.
I can identify writer's goals and techniques.
I can write clear plans and procedures for an experiment.
Our Agenda today is:
- SCIENCE (8:00 - 8:30) Learning Fair Procedures Q&A
- READING (8:30 - 9:30) - Home of the Brave / Author's Goals
- READING (9:30 - 10:00) - Read-to-Self / Learning Fair Conferences
- PHYS. ED. (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Estimation & Finding Equivalents
- CHORUS (1:00 - 1:45)
Language Arts
1. Read 20+ minutes
1. Work on Learning Fair Project
Today is Day 1. We have Band & Art.
Our goals:
I can describe the attributes of quadrilaterals and triangles.
I can identify writer's goals and techniques.
I can write a clear hypothesis.
Our Agenda today is:
- BAND (8:00 - 8:40)
- READING (8:40 - 9:00) - Home of the Brave / Author's Goals
- READING (9:00 - 9:30) - Unit 2 (Nonfiction) Pretest
- READING (9:30 - 10:00) - Read-to-Self / Learning Fair Conferences
- PHYS. ED. (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Unit 5 Quiz
- SCIENCE (1:00 - 1:45) - Step 3: Testing Your Hypothesis
Language Arts
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Revise at least one post-test response (due by Friday)
3. Finish "My Favorite Book" Card
1. Experiment Plan & Procedures (Page 10) due Monday
Today is Day 4. We have Phys. Ed & Chorus.
Our goals:
I can write a thoughtful thank you letter.
I can describe the attributes of quadrilaterals and triangles.
I can identify writer's goals and techniques.
Our Agenda today is:
- WRITING (8:00 - 8:30) - Thank you letters / addressing envelopes
- READING (8:30 - 9:00) - Home of the Brave / Author's Goals
- READING (9:00 - 9:30) - Unit 2 (Nonfiction) Pretest
- READING (9:30 - 10:00) - Read-to-Self / Conferences
- PHYS. ED. (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Categorizing Quadrilaterals & Triangles
- CHORUS (1:00 - 1:45)
Language Arts
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Revise at least one post-test response (due by Friday)
1. Research & Hypothesis (Page 7) due tomorrow
1. Review for polygons quiz tomorrow
Try http://www.spellingcity.com/MrsAllenESM/
Today is Day 3. We have Music & Library.
Our goals:
I can write a thoughtful thank you letter.
I can describe the attributes of quadrilaterals.
I can identify writer's goals and techniques.
I can identify non-fiction text structures.
Our Agenda today is:
- WRITING (8:00 - 8:30) - Thank you letters
- READING (8:30 - 9:00) - Home of the Brave / Author's Goals
- READING (9:00 - 9:30) - Go over Analyzing Theme Assessment
- READING (9:30 - 10:00) - Tune up Reader's Journal / Read-to-Self / Conferences
- MUSIC (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Categorizing Quadrilaterals
- LIBRARY (1:00 - 1:45) - Non-fiction Preview: Text Structures
Language Arts
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Revise at least one post-test response (due by Friday)
3. Bring in Thank You card & envelope (if you can)
1. Research & Hypothesis (Page 7) due Wednesday, February 24th
1. Finish Page 20
Today is Day 2. We have Phys. Ed.
Our goals:
Relax, read, and celebrate reading!
Our Agenda today is:
- READING DAY EVENTS(8:00 - 10:00)
- PHYS. ED (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- READING DAY EVENTS(12:00 - 1:45)
1. Have a wonderful Winter Break!
Today is Day 1. We have Art.
Our goals:
I can write a persuasive book talk.
I can describe the attributes of quadrilaterals.
I understand the steps of the scientific method.
I can identify writer's goals and techniques.
Our Agenda today is:
- LANGUAGE (8:00 - 8:30) - Greek & Latin Roots Unit 4 Review & Quiz
- LANGUAGE (8:30 - 10:00) - Analyzing Theme Assessment /
- ART (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Categorizing Quadrilaterals
- SCIENCE (1:00 - 1:45) -
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Practice acting out Book Talk (filming tomorrow!)
1. Research & Hypothesis (Page 7) due Wednesday, February 24th
** Pajamas / Comfy Clothes tomorrow!
** Reading Day tomorrow!
** Book Orders due tomorrow!
Today is Day 4. We have Band, Phys. Ed & Chorus.
Our goals:
I can write a persuasive book talk.
I can describe the attributes of quadrilaterals.
I understand the steps of the scientific method.
I can identify writer's techniques.
Our Agenda today is:
- BAND (8:00 - 8:40)
- READING (8:40 - 9:30) - Author's Techniques
- SCIENCE / READING(9:00 - 9:30) - Scientific Method / Learning Fair check-ins
- PHYS. ED (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Categorizing Quadrilaterals
- CHORUS (1:00 - 1:45)
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Practice Book Talk (filming Friday)
3. Study Greek & Latin Roots, Unit 4 Words (quiz tomorrow)
1. Develop Learning Fair Project Question
(Page 5 & Signature due tomorrow)
Today is Day 3. We have Music.
Our goals:
I can write a persuasive book talk.
I can describe the attributes of quadrilaterals.
I understand the steps of the scientific method.
Our Agenda today is:
- WRITING / SCIENCE(8:00 - 9:00) Book Talk Script & Planning / Learning Fair Research
- READING (9:00 - 10:00) - Read to Self
- MUSIC (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Categorizing Quadrilaterals
- SCIENCE (9:00 - 9:30) - Scientific Method / Learning Fair check-ins
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Practice Book Talk (filming Friday)
3. Study Greek & Latin Roots, Unit 4 Words (quiz on Thurs.)
1. Develop Learning Fair Project Question
(Page 5 & Signature due Thursday)
Today is Day 2. We have Phys. Ed & Library.
Our goals:
I can write a persuasive book talk.
I can describe the attributes of triangles.
I understand what an "experimental" learning fair project is.
Our Agenda today is:
- WRITING (8:00 - 9:00) Book Talk Script & Planning
- SCIENCE (9:00 - 9:30) - Learning Fair Project Introduction
- READING (9:30 - 10:00) - Read to Self
- PHYS. ED (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Categorizing Triangles
- LIBRARY (1:05 - 1:45)
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Practice Book Talk (due Friday)
1. Read through Learning Fair Packet
(Page 5 & Signature due Thursday)
1. Unit 5, Page 3 & 4
Today is Day 1. We have Art.
Our goals:
.... write a persuasive book talk.
.... compare, add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
... analyze the theme across two texts.
Our Agenda today is:
- WRITING (8:00 - 9:00) Book Talk Script & Planning
- READING/LANGUAGE (9:00 - 10:00) - Home of the Brave / Exploring Theme Across Two Texts
- ART (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - LAT
- W.I.N (1:05 - 1:45)
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Bring in signed Reading Minutes Sheet
Today is Day 4. We have Phys. Ed & Chorus.
Our goals:
.... write a persuasive book talk script.
.... compare, add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
... analyze the theme across two texts.
Our Agenda today is:
- WRITING (8:00 - 8:40) Book Talk Script & Planning
- READING (8:45 - 10:00) - Storyworks / Read to Self
- PHYS. ED (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - LAT Review
- CHORUS (1:05 - 1:45)
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Revise Comparison Response (due Friday)
3. Finish Greek & Latin Roots: 4B, 4C, & 4D
1. LAT Review worksheet D
Today is Day 3. We have Band & Music.
Our goals:
.... identify the characteristics of triangles.
.... compare, add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
... analyze the theme across two texts.
Our Agenda today is:
- BAND (8:00 - 8:40) Reading Assessments
- READING (8:45 - 10:00) - Book Talks Intro / Analyzing Theme Across Two texts / Read to Self
- MUSIC (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:45) - Triangles, LAT Review
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Write a response (1/2 page minimum; Your Choice of Topic)
3. Revise Comparison Response (due Friday)
1. LAT Review worksheet B
Today is Day 2. We have Phys. Ed.
Our goals:
.... multiply and divide with fractions.
... analyze a the theme across two texts.
Our Agenda today is:
- READING (8:00 - 9:00) Reading Assessments / Read to Self
- READING (9:00 - 10:00) - Analyzing Theme Across Two texts
- PHYS. ED (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:45) - Unit 4, Part 2 Test
1. Read 20+ minutes
2. Complete "Comparing Texts" Response
1. Review adding & subtraction fractions.
1. Get quote for plate
Today is Day 1. We have Art & Library.
Our goals:
.... multiply and divide with fractions.
... analyze a text through debate.
... explain what makes a complex society complex.
Our Agenda today is:
- READING / SOCIAL STUDIES (8:00 - 9:00) Reading Assessments / Complex Societies Assessment
- READING (9:00 - 10:00) - "Home of the Brave" / Read to Self
- MUSIC (10:05 - 10:45)
- RECESS & LUNCH(11:00 - 11:15/11:20 - 11:50)
- MATH (12:00 - 1:00) - Review for Unit 4, Part 2 Test
- LIBRARY (1:00 - 1:45)
1. Read 20+ minutes
1. Study for Unit 4, Part 2 Math Test tomorrow
1. Get quote for plate