We have Chorus & Phys. Ed.
Our Goals:
- solve multiplication problems fluently
- explain how the shape of the moon changes over 4 weeks
- reflect on reading and set new goals
- describe how informational text gets more challenging
- (7:35 - 7:55) Welcome / Announcements
- (8:00 - 8:40) CHORUS
- (8:45 - 9:30) MATH: Multiplication Review / Practice
- (9:30 - 10:00) SCIENCE: Moon Wrap-up
- (10:00 - 10:30) READING GROUPS: Reflecting on and Setting Goals
- (10:30 - 11:30) Recess/Lunch
- (11:40 - 12:00) READ ALOUD: Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone
- (12:00 - 12:30) GRAMMAR BOOTCAMP: Nouns
- (12:30 - 1:00) READING: Examining informational text
- (1:10 - 1:50) PHYS. ED
LANGUAGE ARTS⎺ Read 20-30 minutes
I am grateful for......
(person, place, thing, event...)