We have Art, Library & Band.
Our Goals:
- use a Sun Tracker to show the relationship between the Sun and the length/direction of shadows
- use the Order of Operations to solve equations
- summarize a chapter of a fiction book
- boost the level of your personal narrative
- (7:35 - 7:55) Welcome / Announcements
- (8:00 - 8:40) ART
- (8:45 - 9:30) Science: Set up & Use Sun Tracker
- (9:35 - 10:15) LIBRARY
- (10:30 - 11:25) Math: Order of Operations / Factors / Mini quiz
- (11:35 - 12:25) Recess / LUNCH
- (12:40 - 1:10) Writing: Mandalas, Catch-up
- (1:15 - 1:55) BAND
LANGUAGE ARTS- Your reading plan
(Example: Read 10 minutes after dinner and 20 minutes before bed.)