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Monday, January 31, 2011

Today in Class: January 31st

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know meanings of words with prefixes dis-, de-, out-, un-.
2. Identify and correct spelling and grammar errors in writing.

  • Warm-up: Get portfolio / Genre Review / Vocabulary homework check
  • Spelling: Preview Unit 4, Week 2 words (Prefixes), discuss meanings, record score
  • Caught'Ya Set up / #1
  • The City of Ember: Continue reading Chapter 8 together
1. Finish reading Ember Chapter
2. Writing Journal Response (by Wednesday):
What is your favorite month? Why?  OR
What is your least favorite month? Why?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Today in Class: January 28th

Learning Goals 
1. Describe characters using details from the novel.
2. Identify and correctly use action and linking verbs.

  • Warm-up: Genre review
  • The City of Ember: Discuss Chapter 8 / Start reading Chapter 9

  • St Valentine's Day Mini-Activity: Writing/Reflection

  • The Bizarre Mystery of Horribly Hard Middle School: Read together / vocabulary preview

1. Look up definitions (and how to pronounce) vocabulary words from TBMOHHMS

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Today in Class: January 27th

Learning Goals 
1. Write a letter in the block business format.
2. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Identify and correctly use action and linking verbs.

  • Warm-up: Action/Linking Verb Review
  • The City of Ember: Discuss Chapter 7 / Start to read Chapter 8
  • Use resources (online and in-class texts) to write a business letter to the ASPCA to include with our donation check.
Possible things to mention in your letter:
  1. Tell the reason for the letter - donating money
  2. Briefly explain our Penny War and voting process
  3. Explain some of the reasons why members of the class chose to support the ASPCA
1. Finish reading Ember Chapter 8

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today in Class: January 26th

Learning Goals 
1. Describe setting and characters using details from the text.
2. Identify and correctly use action and linking verbs.

  • Warm-up: Plural Nouns review / Collect Homework
  • The City of Ember: Discuss Chapter 6 / Read Chapter 7 
  • Literary Terms: Setting
1. Finish Reading Chapter 7
2. Complete one journal entry (Ember connections)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today in Class: January 25th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meanings of words with Greek work parts.
2. Describe the characters and setting using details from a text.
3. Identify and correctly use action and linking verbs.

  • Warm-up: Find new seats
  • Literary Terms: Character & Setting
  • The City of Ember: Discuss Chapter 5 / Start reading Chapter 6

1. Finish reading Ember Chapter 6; Complete Ember questions

Monday, January 24, 2011

Today in Class: January 24th (2 Hour Delay)

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meanings of words with Greek work parts.
2. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Identify and correctly use action and linking verbs.

  • Warm-up: Get Spelling Workbook and rip out pages 63/64
  • Greek Word Parts: Complete practice worksheet with partner; go over answers together
  • The City of Ember: Read Chapter 5 ("On Night Street")
  • Action/Linking Verbs: Start homework (workbook pages 31 & 32)

1. Finish Verb Workbook pages 31 & 32
2. Finish reading Ember, Chapter 5
3. Organize binder

Friday, January 21, 2011

Today in Class: January 21st

Learning Goals 
1. Identify and use action and linking verbs.
2. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.

  • Warm-up: Take out Verb Notes
  • Action & Linking Verbs: Group Practice / Paired Practice
  • The City of Ember: Read Chapter 4 together
  • Writing Journals: Share one response
1. Finish reading The City of Ember Chapter 4
2. Organize binder for binder check sometime during the next two weeks.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today in Class: January 20th

Learning Goals 
1. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.

  • Warm-up: Ember Chapter 2 Questions; Put Doon character chart on your desk
  • Character: How to authors develop a character?    Discussion/Group Practice/Paired Practice
  • The City of Ember: Doon Character chart; Discuss Chapter 3
  • Action & Linking Verbs: Notes/Discussion/Group Practice
1. Complete Journal responses (free choice and Ember "diary") by tomorrow. Select any journal response written so far to share with the class.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today in Class: January 19th

Learning Goals 
1. Identify and describe the different parts of a story's plot.
2. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.

  • Warm-up: Plot Review / Check signed grade reports
  • The City of Ember: Finish reading Chapter 2; Lina character chart; Start reading Chapter 3
1 Journal responses due Friday- one free choice / one Ember "diary"
2. Finish reading Ember Chapter 3, Complete Doon Character chart

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today in Class: January 18th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meanings of words with Greek work parts.
2. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.

  • Warm-up: Record scores in portfolio (Spelling Quiz, Paragraph E, Grade Report Average)
  • Word Study: Greek Word Parts (Unit 4, Week 1)
  • The City of Ember: Character charts; Finish reading Chapter 2

1. Get grade report signed.
2. Journal response free choice (by Thursday)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today in Class: January 14th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.

  • Warm-up: Prepare paper for Spelling Quiz (Unit 3, Week 5)
  • Spelling: Share Homophone Projects /  Quiz
  • Plot: Paired Practice, pages 70-73
  • The City of Ember: Prologue/Chapter 1 Questions; Start reading Chapter 2
1. Finish two Ember journal responses by next Friday

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Today in Class: January 13th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Identify and describe the different parts of a story's plot.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.

  • Warm-up: Review notes on "plot"
  • Word Study: Meaning Quiz (Unit 3, Week 5)
  • Literary Terms: Work with a partner to complete a plot chart based on The Frog Prince Continued
  • The City of Ember: Character journal entries; Complete Chapter 1

1. Complete Homophone Project by tomorrow.
2. Complete two Ember journal responses by next Friday.
3. Study for Spelling Quiz tomorrow (Unit 3, Week 5)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today in Class: January 12th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meanings of homophone pairs.
2. Describe the different types of fiction genres.
3. Identify and describe the different parts of a story's plot.
4. Identify possessive nouns and use apostrophes correctly to make nouns possessive. 

  • Warm-up: Possessive Nouns Review, Workbook Page 128
  • Grammar: Possessive Nouns Practice
  • Genres: Review homework pages 68 & 69 together
  • The City of Ember: Preview activity; Start reading Prologue ("The Instructions") and Chapter 1 ("Assignment Day")
1. Complete Homophone Project by Friday
2. Study for Unit 3, Week 5 word meaning quiz tomorrow

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today in Class: January 11th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Describe the different types of fiction genres.
3. Identify and describe the different parts of a story's plot.
4. Identify possessive nouns and use apostrophes correctly to make nouns possessive. 

  • Warm-up: Genre Practice
  • Possessive Nouns: Paired Practice
  • Literary Elements: Plot Notes/Discussion
1. Complete Homophone Project by Friday
2. Genre Worksheets (68 & 69) 
3. Finish journal response by tomorrow:
Develop a list of 3-5 goals that you would like to achieve at some point this year. Include the outcome you want, some details about how you will get there, and a goal date.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Today in Class: January 10th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Describe the different types of fiction genres.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.
4. Identify possessive nouns and use apostrophes correctly to make nouns possessive. 

  • Warm-up: Genre review / Collect grammar worksheet
  • Genres: Review types / practice together / on own
  • Writing Journal: Discuss criteria / start first entry
  • Possessive Nouns: Notes / Discussion / Practice
1. Complete Homophone Project by Friday
2. Finish journal response by tomorrow:
Reflect on your experiences during the first few months at Pine Grove. What have been the most challenging parts? What have you liked the most? What surprised you about middle school?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Today in Class: January 7th

Learning Goals 
1. Identify and write the correct plural forms of nouns.
2. Desribe and tell the difference between different genres in literature.

  • Warm-up: Look over Persuasive Essay/file in portfolio 
  • Plural Nouns: Review notes / Paired Practice
  • Genres: Notes/Discussion/Practice
1. Finish grammar pages 23 & 24
2. Get a one subject notebook for ELA to use as a writing journal

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today in Class: January 6th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Discover reading comprehension / writing skills to target.
3. Identify and write the correct plural forms of nouns.

  • Warm-up: Spelling pages 57 & 58
  • Pretest: Reading/Writing (Coach Book 3)
  • Plural Nouns: Notes/Discussion/Practice
1. Finish spelling pages 57 & 58
2. Continue working on Homophone Project

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Today in Class: January 5th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Discover listening comprehension skills to target.

  • Warm-up: Hand in homophone sentences ot be corrected
  • Listening Comprehnsion: Practice Test (Book 2)
  • Review Reading Comprehension answers from yesterday
  • Word Study: Work on Homophone Project
  • Grammar: Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns
1. Work on Homophone project - due Friday, January 14th

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today in Class: January 4th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Discover reading comprehension skills to target.

  • Warm-up: TAB Book orders / Set up Scantron / Hand in Homophone Word Choices
  • Pretest: Book 1 (Multiple Choice)
  • Homophone Project: Write a sentence each homophone that demonstrates the meaning of the word.
1. Complete homophone sentences

Monday, January 3, 2011

Today in Class: January 3rd

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Increase knowledge of "Gold" vocabulary words.

  • Warm-up: Record spelling scores in portfolios
  • Spelling Preview: Unit 3, Week 5
  • Writing Practice: Paragraph D
  • Homophone Project: Discuss / See samples / Start
1. Homphone Crossword, Page 22
2. Pick 10 homophone pairs - 5 pairs from Unit 3, Week 5, 5 new pairs