Learning Goals
1. Write a letter in the block business format.
2. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Identify and correctly use action and linking verbs.
Agenda 1. Write a letter in the block business format.
2. Describe characters using details from the novel.
3. Identify and correctly use action and linking verbs.
- Warm-up: Action/Linking Verb Review
- The City of Ember: Discuss Chapter 7 / Start to read Chapter 8
- Use resources (online and in-class texts) to write a business letter to the ASPCA to include with our donation check.
- Tell the reason for the letter - donating money
- Briefly explain our Penny War and voting process
- Explain some of the reasons why members of the class chose to support the ASPCA
1. Finish reading Ember Chapter 8