We have Band & Art.
Our Goals:
- multiply a mixed number by a fraction
- analyze a salt/water solution
- analyze argumentative writing
- (7:35 - 7:55) Welcome / Announcements
- (8:00 - 9:30) MATH: Multiplying fractions
- (9:30 - 10:00) SCIENCE: Where does the salt go?
- (10:00 - 10:30) LANGUAGE ARTS: Reading research / Reading
- (10:35 - 11:35) Recess/Lunch
- (11:40 - 12:00) Read aloud
- (12:00 - 1:00) WRITING: Analyzing argumentative writing
- (1:10 - 1:50) ART
LANGUAGE ARTS- I will read ______ at ______.
(Ex: I will read 20 minutes before bed.)
I am grateful for......
(person, place, thing, event...)