Weekly Learning Goals: I can....
~ find fractional parts of a whole or group.~ locate and understand everyday uses of fractions, decimals, and percents.
~ describe the Westward Expansion of the United States during the 1800's.
~ come to discussions prepared to collaborate with others about a text we've read.
Agenda (Day 3 - Phys. Ed)
Current Vocabulary Cycle Terms: Diversity, Geography, Politics, Economics, Culture- Warm-up: Common Core Skill Practice / Penmanship / Check-in
- Writing: Paragraphing Practice with 4-Square Method
- Reading: Book Club Meeting / Share Responses
- Math: Unit 4 (1.2) - Relating Percents and Fractions
- Social Studies: America the History of US series / Westward Expansion
1. Read at least 15 minutes after school2. Math page 7 **Find and bring in samples of Fractions, Decimals, and Percents!**
3. Book Club Response #10