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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday, December 21st

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write and design a storybook organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Writing: Practice Expanding Ideas with Holiday "RAFT"
Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Computer Lab Periods 2 & 7
Literature Circle Groups:
  • Discuss previous reading and start reading the next chapters together
1. Work on Storybook if needed: StudentPublishing.com
2.  Bring an appetite tomorrow for our "Mother Paula's" Pancake Breakfast!

Tuesday, December 20th

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write and design a storybook organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Grammar: Unit Test I
Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Computer Lab Periods 2 & 7
Literature Circle Groups:
  • Discuss previous reading and start reading the next chapters together
1. Work on Storybook if needed: StudentPublishing.com
2.  Reading:
The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapters
Hoot: Finish reading Chapters
Owl in the Shower: None

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, December 19th

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write and design a storybook organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Grammar: Review for Unit Test tomorrow
Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Computer Lab Periods 2 & 7
Literature Circle Groups:
  • Discuss previous reading and start reading the next chapters together
1. Study for Grammar Unit Test tomorrow (see learning goals and review packet with answer key to the right ---->) 
2. Work on Storybook if needed: StudentPublishing.com
3.  Reading:
The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapters
Hoot: Finish reading Chapters
Owl in the Shower:

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday, December 16th

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Review Grammar Review Packet - make corrections
Following Directions / Listening Activity
Literature Circle Groups:
  • Discuss last night's reading and start reading the next chaptesr together
1. Have parents review StudentPublishing order form. Return it signed by next Thursday.
2. Reading
The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapters 22, 23, & 24
Hoot: Finish reading Chapter 20
Owl in the Shower: None

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday, December 15th

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Grammar Review: Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Laptop Cart available
  • Continue working on StudentPublishing.com to create your Storybook.
Literature Circle Groups:
  • Discuss last night's reading and start reading the next chapters together
1. Grammar Review Packet (Unit Test on Tuesday, Dec. 20th)
2. Reading:
The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapters 19, 20, 21
Hoot: Finish reading Chapters 18 & 19
Owl in the Shower: None

Wednesday, December 14th

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Grammar Review: Simple and Complex Sentence
Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Laptop Cart available
  • Continue working on StudentPublishing.com to create your Storybook.
Literature Circle Groups:
  • Discuss last night's reading and start reading the next chapters together
1. Reading:
The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapters 16, 17, 18
Hoot: Finish reading Chapters 16 & 17
Owl in the Shower: None

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday, December 13th

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Grammar Review: Simple & Compound Sentences /Explain homework
Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Laptop Cart available
  1. Finish Final Copy
  2. Work on Your Storybook through StudentPublishing.com
Literature Circle Groups:
  • Discuss last night's reading and start reading the next chapters together
1. Grammar pages 123 & 124
2. Reading:
The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapters 13, 14 & 15
Hoot: Finish reading Chapters 14 & 15
Owl in the Shower: None

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Monday, December 12th

Learning Goals:
1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
    Hand back previous homework / discuss 
    Grammar: Warm-up / Review
    Spelling: Highlight & record date for mastered spelling words 
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Laptop Cart available
    1. Mrs. Allen - StudentPublishing.com walk-through
    2. Finish final copy
    3. Work on Storybook
    Literature Circle Groups:
    • Discuss previous reading and start reading the next chapters together
    1.  Reading:
    The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapters 10, 11 & 12
    Hoot: Finish reading Chapters 12 & 13
    Owl in the Shower: Chapter 13 & Role

    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    Thursday, December 8th

    Learning Goals:
    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story
    Continue editing / work on final copy
    Start Storybook on StudentPublishing.com once Final Copy is handed in.

    Literature Circle Groups:
    Share roles/discuss and start reading the next chapter together
    1. Study for Spelling Quiz tomorrow (Group 5 words)
    The Hunger Games: Read Chapter 9
    Hoot: Finish reading Read Chapter 11
    Owl in the Shower: Read Chapter 11/ Complete Role

    Wednesday, December 7th

    Learning Goals:

    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

    Fractured Fairy Tale Story
    Continue editing / work on final copy
    Start Storybook on StudentPublishing.com once Final Copy is handed in.

    Literature Circle Groups:
    Share roles/discuss and start reading the next chapter together
    1. Work on Story - Final Copy due Thursday
    2. Finish Reading / Complete Role:
    The Hunger Games: Chapter 8
    Hoot: Finish reading Chapter 10
    Owl in the Shower: See Mrs. Dicosimo

    Tuesday, December 6th

    Learning Goals:

    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

    Collect Homework: Grammar page 8

    Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
    Continue editing / work on final copy
    Start Storybook on StudentPublishing.com once Final Copy is handed in.

    Literature Circle Groups:
    Share roles/discuss and start reading the next chapter together

    1. Work on Story - Final Copy due Thursday
    2. Finish Reading / Complete Role:
    The Hunger Games: Chapter 7, Part 2 
    Hoot: Finish reading Chapter 7
    Owl in the Shower: See Mrs. Dicosimo

    Monday, December 5, 2011

    Monday, December 5th

    Learning Goals:
    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

    December Scholastic Book Orders
    Collect Homework: Topic page 44 & Some Journals
    •  Finish page 6 & 7 with a partner / review answers
    •  Start homework - page 8
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Preview Student Publishing Website
    Literature Circle Groups:
    • Share roles/discuss and start reading the next chapter together
    1. Grammar Worksheet page 8
    2. December Book Orders due Friday, December 9th
    3. Finish Reading / Complete Role:
    The Hunger Games: Chapter 7
    Hoot: Finish reading Chapter 6
    Owl in the Shower: Chapter
    **Wear Crazy Socks Tomorrow!!

    Friday, December 2, 2011

    Friday, December 2nd

    Learning Goals:
    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Identify subjects and predicates in a sentence.

    •  Complete worksheet page 5/6 with a partner
    •  Review answers together 
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Laptop Cart available
    1. Finish typing rough draft. 
    2. Have Mrs. Allen and one other teacher proofread your paper.
    3. Fix any errors spotted by your teachers.
    1. Finish TicTacToe #5 by Monday, December 5th
    2. Reading/Role due Monday
    The Hunger Games: Chapter 5 / Role
    Hoot: Chapter 6 / Complete role
    Owl in the Shower: Chapter 3 / Connector Role

    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    Thursday, December 1st

    Learning Goals:
    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

    Collect homework
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Laptop Cart available
    1. Make adjustments to your rough draft based on feedback from peer editing yesterday.
    2. Print it after you have completed a spell-check and have read it out loud to check for errors.
    3. Ask Mrs. Allen and one other teacher to edit your paper and give you feedback.
    4. Fix errors spotted by your teachers and print a final copy.
    Literature Circle Groups:
    • Assign new roles and start reading the next chapter together
    1. Reading/Role:
    The Hunger Games: Finish Chapter 5 / Role
    Hoot: Finish Chapter 6  / Role
    Owl in the Shower: Finish Chapter 3 / Connector Role

    Wednesday, November 30, 2011

    Wednesday, November 30th

    Learning Goals:
    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Identify subjects and predicates in a sentence.

    Explain Homework
    Grammar: Subjects and Predicates
    •  Notes/Discussion
    •  Group Practice
    •  Paired Practice
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Peer Editing
    1. Continue to work with your partner to give feedback on their writing: mention positives and work together to fix and errors and improve the "flow" and details of the story.
    2. Place all papers in the in-box to be edited by Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Cardarelli or Mrs. DiCosimo.Literature Circle Groups:
      • Share roles / discuss last night's reading; Start reading the next chapter together
      1. Writing page

    Tuesday, November 29, 2011

    Tuesday, November 29th

    Learning Goals:
    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Work collaboratively with a partner to give feedback and improve on writing.

    Collect Spelling Homework
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Peer Editing
    1. Working with a classmate, read your paper together and get feedback. Fix any errors.
    2. Correct your errors and make changes to your story. Print.
    Literature Circle Groups:
    • Share roles and discuss last night's reading
    • Assign new roles and start reading the next chapter together
    1. Reading/Role:
    The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapter 5 / Complete role
    Hoot: Finish reading Chapter 6 / Complete role
    Owl in the Shower: Write a paragraph (5-8 sentences) supporting the Owls or the Loggers

    Monday, November 28, 2011

    Monday, November 28th

    Learning Goals:
    1. Actively engage in group novel discussions.
    2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

    Journaling: Explain Tic Tac Toe #5
    •  Highlight & record date for mastered spelling words
    •  Select Group #5 words - record on yellow sheet and in agenda
    •  Start homework
    Fractured Fairy Tale Story: Laptop Cart available
    1. Continue typing rough draft 
    2. Print it after you have completed a spell-check and have read it out loud to check for errors.
    3. Ask a classmate to sit with you to read your paper together and get feedback. Fix any errors.
    4. Place all papers in the in-box to be edited by Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Cardarelli or Mrs. DiCosimo.
    5. Fix errors spotted by your teachers.
      Literature Circle Groups:
      • Assign new roles and start reading the next chapter together
      1. Spelling Worksheet for Group #5 Words
      2. Writing: Complete Tic Tac Toe #5 by Monday, December 5th
      3. Reading/Role:
      The Hunger Games: Finish reading Chapter 4 / Complete role
      Hoot: Finish reading Chapter 5 / Complete role
      Owl in the Shower: Finish reading Chapter 2 / Artful Artist Role

      Tuesday, November 22, 2011

      Tuesday, November 22nd

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and use editing marks to correct writing.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Collect Homework (Corrected Tom Turkey letters)
      Spelling: Group #4 Quiz 
      Literature Circle Groups:
      • Share roles / discuss last night's reading
      • Start reading next Chapter together
      Have a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving Break!

      Monday, November 21, 2011

      Monday, November 21st

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and use editing marks to correct writing.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Editing Marks:  
      • Identify common marks
      • Use editing marks with a partner to correct a piece of writing ("Tom Turkey" letter)
      Literature Circle Groups:
      • Continue to read / discuss next chapter / Start new role
      1. Study Group #4 words for Spelling Quiz tomorrow
      2. Finish rewriting "Tom Turkey" letter in your best handwriting
      3. Read / Role:
      The Hunger Games: Finish reading pages 1-10 / Complete role
      Hoot: Finish reading pages 1-12 / Complete role
      Owl in the Shower:

      Sunday, November 20, 2011

      Friday, November 18th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and improve dull words in a story.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Continue typing / editing rough draft
      • Find and replace dull words in your story
      • Print if finished
      Literature Circle Groups:
      • Share roles / discuss last night's reading
      • Start reading next Chapter
      1. None

      Thursday, November 17, 2011

      Thursday, November 17th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and change dull words in writing.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Thank you Notes: Write final copy / address envelopes
      Record Marking Period 1 Averages in portfolio
      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Continue typing second rough draft in the computer lab (Periods 2 & 7)
      • Conference with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. Cardarelli to work on story / correct formatting errors

      Literature Circle Groups:
      • Meet in small groups to discusss last night's reading / share roles
      • Start reading next section together
      1. Get ELA and Social Studies grade reports signed.
      2. Reading:
      Hoot: Read Chapter 3 / Role
      The Hunger Games: Read Chapter 2 / Role
      Owl in the Shower: See Mrs. DiCosimo for homework

      Wednesday, November 16th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and change dull words in your writing.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Start typing second rough draft in the computer lab (Periods 2 & 7)
      • Conference with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. Cardarelli to work on story / correct formatting
      Literature Circle Groups:
      • Meet in groups to discuss last night's reading / roles
      • Start reading next section.

      Hoot: Read Chapter 2 / Complete Role
      The Hunger Games: Finish Chapter 1 / Complete Role
      Owl in the Shower: See Mrs. DiCosimo for homework

      Tuesday, November 15, 2011

      Tuesday, November 15th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and improve dull words in a story.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Start typing rough draft
      • Find and replace dull words in your story.
      Literature Circle Groups:
      • Start new novel (Hoot, The Hunger Games, or Owl in the Shower), assign roles & start reading
      The Hunger Games: Finish reading pages 1-10 / Complete role
      Hoot: Finish reading pages 1-12 / Complete role
      Owl in the Shower: None tonight

      Sunday, November 13, 2011

      Monday, November 14th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
      2. Identify and improve dull words in your story.  

      Locate new seat / get portfolios & popsicle stick
      •  Highlight & record date for mastered spelling words
      •  Select Group 4 words - record on yellow sheet and in agenda
      •  Start homework
      •  School Spelling Bee!!!
      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Word Choice mini lesson in small groups
      • Work with a partner to improve dull words in your story
      Reading Groups / Conflict Pre-reading Activity:
      • Read bullying scenarios
      • Identify the bully, the victim, and type of bullying
      1. Spelling homework for Group #4 words
      2. Finish writing a positive ending for one of the bullying scenarios.

      Thursday, November 10, 2011

      Thursday, November 10th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Collect homework - Thank you note rough draft
      Spelling: Group #3 Test
      Reading: Meet with students to discuss new schedule/novel groups
      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Research if needed
      • Continue working on rough draft
      • Conference with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. DiCosimo to work on story
      1. Bring in a thank you card (or blank card), envelope, and stamp by Monday. (If you don't have these available, I will provide paper and an envelope.)

      Tuesday, November 8, 2011

      Wednesday, November 9th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and write simple, compound, and complex sentences.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Collect homework - Grammar pages 15 & 16
      Thesaurus Assembly (Period 3 only)
      Spelling: Group #3 Preview with Spelling Partner
      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Mini lesson - writing dialogue correctly
      • Finish working on graphic organizer
      • Conference with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. DiCosimo to get approval to start your rough draft.
      1. Study your Group #3 spelling words.
      2. Write a thank you note rough draft for your new thesaurus.
      3. Complete any work that you owe / need to redo.

      Tuesday, November 8th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and write simple, compound, and complex sentences.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Grammar: Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
                        Group and paired practice (pages 13 & 14)
      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Research if needed
      • Continue working on graphic organizer
      • Conference with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. DiCosimo to work on story
      1. Complete grammar page 15 & 16

      Monday, November 7, 2011

      Monday, November 7th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and write simple, compound, and complex sentences.
      2. Write a story organized with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

      Collect writing journals 
      Review: Genre Types/Literary Terms
      Spelling: Organize words, record ones already mastered
      Grammar: Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences

      Fractured Fairy Tale Story:
      • Research if needed
      • Continue working on graphic organizer
      • Conference with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. DiCosimo to work on story
      1. Make up any missing work
      2. Study for any retakes  - be ready Tuesday or Wednesday.

      Sunday, November 6, 2011

      Friday, November 4th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify the elements of plot.
      2. Write a story using plot elements.

      Genre Review Warm-up
      Writing (Story)

      • Meet with Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. DiCosimo to get story idea approved
      • Start working on graphic organizer
      • Rewrite Spelling Words if needed
      1. None

      Thursday, November 3, 2011

      Thursday, November 3rd

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify the elements of plot.

      Collect Plot Packet Homework
      • Review terms/plot chart
      • Read aloud "The Frog Prince Continued"
      • Work with a partner to complete a plot chart
      • Review plot chart together
      "Fractured Fairy Tale" Story - Receive pink Story packet, review due dates/criteria, etc...

      1. Brainstorm 2-3 ideas for your own Fractured Fairy Tale Story in the pink packet.

      Wednesday, November 2, 2011

      Wednesday, November 2nd

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify the plot elements of a short story.

      Homework  - Collect spelling / Go over conflict types
      Plot- Read aloud two Fractured Fairy Tales / Complete  plot charts together
      • "Snow White in New York"
      • "The Frog Prince Continued"
      1. Finish Plot Packet

      Tuesday, November 1, 2011

      Tuesday, November 1st

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify the definitions of literary terms and give examples of each.
      2. Increase understanding of the elements of a plot.

      Spelling - Record previous week's score/highlight correct words / select four new words to study
      Literary Terms: Theme & Plot
      • Review definition
      • Draw a plot chart/discuss: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution
      • Complete Plot Graphic Organizer for Maroo of the Winter Caves
      1. Spelling worksheet  
      2. Conflict Worksheet

      Sunday, October 30, 2011

      Monday, October 31st

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify the definitions of literary terms and give examples of each.
      2. Identify and give examples of conflict types.

      Conflict Types - Review classwork/share and give extra examples

      Literary Terms - Define/Draw/Give examples and non-examples for:
      • Narrator (1st & 3rd)
      • Setting
      • Characters (Main/Secondary)
      • Protagonist/Antagonist
      • Theme
      • Plot
      Spooky Halloween Story - Use story elements to create spooky story with a group based on a Story Starter.
      1. Have a safe Halloween!

      Friday, October 28, 2011

      Today in Class: October 28th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and give examples of different types of conflict.
      2. Reflect on and respond to non-fiction text.

      Grammar Warm-up
      Marshmallow Demonstration/Video
      Spelling: Test (4 individual words)
      Conflict Types: Finish notes/discussion, Paired Practice
      Reading: Practice SQ3R Strategy with Magazine Article

      1. Finish Tic Tac Toe Journaling #4 by Monday

      Thursday, October 27, 2011

      Today in Class: October 27th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify the Author's Purpose of a piece of writing.
      2. Reflect on and respond to non-fiction text.

      Finish Spelling Presentations if needed
      Spelling: Pre-test with a partner
      Author's Purpose:
      • Discuss Notes
      • Complete examples together
      Reading: Practice SQ3R Strategy with a non-fiction article

      1. Finish Author's Purpose page 96/97
      2. Study your 4 words for the Spelling Test tomorrow.

      Today in Class: October 26th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Increase knowledge of spelling strategies/study techniques.
      2. Collaborate with others on a presentation.
      3. Identify the eight conflict types. 

      Coordinate with presentation group
      Spelling Strategy Presentations

      • Practice SQ3R Strategy with a non-fiction article

      1. Prepare for spelling test on Friday

      Monday, October 24, 2011

      Today in Class: October 25th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify different conflict types and give examples of each.
      2. Reflect on and respond to non-fiction text.

      Work on Spelling Project / Coordinate with group (10-15 minutes)
      Conflict Types
      • Notes/Discussion
      • Paired Practice
      Reading: Practice SQ3R Strategy with a non-fiction article

      1. Work on Spelling Project (due tomorrow)

      Today in Class: October 24th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Collaborate with other to research and present on a topic.
      2. Reflect on and respond to non-fiction text.

      Review Tic Tac Toe Journaling #4
      Group Project
      You will work in groups of 3-4 to learn about and research: 
      TWO spelling activities, strategies, or assignments that we can compile into a class resource booklet to help you master your 50 words throughout the year

      **Make sure that what you present can be applied to ANY words

      On Wednesday, your group will have about 10 minutes to meet, get organized, and then present your findings to Mrs. Allen and the class. Your presentation should include a typed, written description of your two items (to include in our Spelling Booklet) and one or more of the following:
      • Poster
      • Practice Worksheet
      • Skit
      • Song
      • Cartoon
      • Dance
      • Poem
      • Anything else!
      Reading: Practice SQ3R Strategy with a magazine article

      1. Work on Spelling Group Project
      2. Tic Tac Toe Journaling #4 due Monday, October 31st

      Sunday, October 23, 2011

      Today in Class: October 21st

      Learning Goals:
      1. Improve clarity, focus, and details in writing.
      2. Reflect on and respond to non-fiction text.

      Grammar Warm-up
      Conflict Types: Notes/Discussion
      Reading: Mrs. DiCosimo presents "SQ3R" Strategy
      • Survey
      • Question
      • Read
      • Recite
      • Review

      1. None

      Thursday, October 20, 2011

      Today in Class: October 20th

      Learning Goals:

      1. Improve clarity, focus, and details in writing.
      2. Reflect on and respond to non-fiction text.

      Grammar Warm-up / Correct Spelling Homework if needed
      Writing: Ideas
      • Individual Assignment
      • Finish Maroo of the Winter Caves / Discuss
      • Magazine Article

      1. Scholastic Book orders due Friday.
      2. Remember to read 15+ minutes every night.

      Wednesday, October 19, 2011

      Today in Class: October 19th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Improve clarity, focus, and details in writing.
      2. Reflect on and respond to non-fiction text.


      Collect Spelling Homework / Some writing journals
      Writing: Ideas
      • Identify "juicy", "gold nugget" details about Sharks.
      • Group Practice - Improve Focus in a sample piece of writing / ddd juicy details
      • Paired Practice
      • Finish Maroo of the Winter Caves / Discuss
      • Magazine Article
      1. Scholastic Book orders due Friday.
      2. Remember to read 15+ minutes every night.

      Tuesday, October 18, 2011

      Today in Class: October 18th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Improve clarity, focus, and details in writing.
      2. Reflect on and respond to fiction text.


      Spelling: Select 4 new words
      Writing: Ideas
      • Review notes
      • Read strong samples
      • Preview rubric
      • Use rubric to grade a sample passage: "My Dog's"
      • Practice writing a detailed passage with one focused topic
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Review Chapter 15 / Share Roles
      • Start Reading Chapter 16
      1. Allen/Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 16/ Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: Lit Circle Role for Chapter)
      2. Finish Spelling Homework (next 4 words from your own list)

      Sunday, October 16, 2011

      Today in Class: October 17th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and write independent and dependent clauses.
      2. Reflect on and respond to fiction text. 
      3. Improve focus and details in writing.

      Record 5 week averages (ELA & S.S.) in portfolio
      Writing (Ideas): Review Notes / Read strong samples
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Finish reading Chapter 15
      • Start roles
      1. Allen:Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 15/ Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: Complete role based on section of Chapter 15 you read.)
      2. Grammar Worksheet page 12   (Independent & Dependent Clauses)
      3. Get grade report signed

      Friday, October 14, 2011

      Today in Class: October 14th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and write independent and dependent clauses.
      2. Reflect on and respond to fiction text.


      Spelling: Highlight newly mastered words in your portfolio
      Independent and Dependent Clauses: Group/Partner Practice (Workbook pages 9 & 10 - collect and review on Monday)

      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Discuss Chapter 14 / Share roles
      • Start Reading Chapter 15
      1. None!

      Thursday, October 13, 2011

      Today in Class: October 13th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and write independent and dependent clauses.

      2. Reflect on and respond to fiction text.


      Grammar: Independent and Dependent Clauses Practice
      Spelling Test (List #1 Words) 
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Discuss Chapter 13 / Share Roles
      • Start Reading Chapter 14
      1. Finish reading Maroo Chapter 14/ Complete Lit Circle Role

      Wednesday, October 12, 2011

      Today in Class: October 12th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify and write independent and dependent clauses.
      2. Identify and correct errors in writing.
      3. Reflect on and respond to fiction text.


      Proofreading/Editing Practice
      Grammar: Independent and Dependent Clauses
      • Notes/Discussion
      • Group Practice/Paired Practice
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Assign individual roles
      • Finish Reading Chapter 13
      1. Allen/Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 13/ Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: Lit Circle Role for Chapter )
      2. Study 4 spelling words for test tomorrow.

      Sunday, October 9, 2011

      Today in Class: October 7th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Add specific detail to create a poem.
      2. Reflect on and respond to reading.

      Alphabet Poem: Create a rough draft of your poem in your writing journal.
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Share Roles
      • Start Chapter 13
      1. Finish "Tic Tac Toe" Journaling #3 by Wednesday, October 12th

      Today in Class: October 6th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Reflect on and respond to reading.
      2. Identify samples of different fiction and non-fiction genre.

      Literary Terms: Genre -  Review definitions/ complete practice packet
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Share Roles
      • Start Chapter 12
      1. Allen/Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 12 / Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: Lit Circle Role for reading done in class)

      Wednesday, October 5, 2011

      Today n Class: October 5th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Reflect on and respond to reading.

      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      Spelling: Pretest with Spelling Partner
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Share Roles
      • Start reading Chapter 11
      1. Allen/Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 11 / Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: Finish Chapter 10)
      2. Tic Tac Toe #3 due next Wednesday
      3. Study four Spelling words for test this Friday.

      Tuesday, October 4, 2011

      Today in Class: October 4th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify sentences, fragments, and run-ons.
      2. Correct fragments and run-ons to create correct, detailed sentences.
      3. Reflect on and respond to reading.

      Grammar: Worksheet-practice identifying and fixing run-ons
      Writing: Explain Tic Tact Toe #3
      Spelling: Review Homework #1, rewrite missed words 10 times each if needed
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles (Allen/Ward):
      • Share Roles
      • Start reading Reading Chapter 10
      1. Allen/Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 10 / Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: None)
      2. Tic Tac Toe Journaling #3 - due next Wednesday, Oct. 12th

      Monday, October 3, 2011

      Today in Class: October 3rd

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify sentences, fragments, and run-ons.
      2. Correct fragments and run-ons to create correct, detailed sentences.
      3. Reflect on and respond to fiction text.


      • "Sentence or Not?" Worksheet
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Assign individual roles
      • Finish Reading Chapter 9
      1. Allen/Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 9 / Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: Lit Circle Role for Chapter 8)

      Saturday, October 1, 2011

      Today in Class: September 30th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Make predictions, connections, and draw conclusions from a text.

      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Share roles
      • Discuss Chapter 8
      • Start reading Chapter 9
      1. Remember to read 15+ minutes every day
      2. Organize your binder / materials
      3. Prepare a white shirt to tie-dye if you forgot your today.

      Wednesday, September 28, 2011

      Today in Class: September 29th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify sentences, fragments, and run-ons.
      2. Correct fragments and run-ons to create correct, detailed sentences.

      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      • Review notes/practice worksheets: "Identifying Sentence Fragments" A & B
      • Start homework
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Share Word Wizard Roles
      • Finish Reading Chapter 7 if needed / Start Chapter 8
      • Assign individual roles
      1. Allen/Ward: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 8 / Complete Lit Circle Role (DiCosimo: Lit Circle Role for reading done in class)
      2. "Run On, Fragment, or Sentence?" Worksheet  **Correctly rewrite fragments and run-ons.

      Today in Class: September 28th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify unknown words in a text and use resources to find the definitions.

      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      • What is a sentence?
      • How do I spot and fix fragments and run-ons?
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Share Passage Picker roles
      • Explain Word Wizard role
      • Start reading Chapter 7
      1. Allen/Ward Groups: Finish reading Maroo Chapter 7, Complete Word Wizard role (**Use a dictionary to find your definitions!)
      DiCosimo: Finish reading Chapter 6

      Tuesday, September 27, 2011

      Today in Class: September 27th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Make corrections to writing based on editor's marks. 

      Artifact Bags?: Inferencing practice
      • Type the final copy of the Bio Poem, making corrections (laptop carts)
      • Print and prepare the poem to display
      • Write a note to your family to put in your portfolio for Open House
      1. Review Passage Picker role tonight.

      Monday, September 26, 2011

      Today in Class: September 26th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Read fiction text fluently and with expression.

      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      • "Ideas" Trait  
      • Including specific details to create a Biography Poem
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Finish Reading Chapter 5 / Start Chapter 6
      • Explain Passage Picker Role
      1. Finish reading Maroo Chapter 6. Practice reading two passages out loud - at least 5-6 times each. Check tricky words to make sure you are pronouncing them correctly.
      2. Finish Bio Poem rough draft if needed.

      Saturday, September 24, 2011

      Today in Class: September 23rd

      Learning Goals:
      1. Use visualization to include details while illustrating a section of text

      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      Maroo of the Winter Caves Literature Circles:
      • Review Chapter 4
      • Share Artful Artist Role
      • Start Reading Chapter 5

      1. Tic Tac Toe Journaling due Monday

      Thursday, September 22, 2011

      Today in Class: September 22nd

      Learning Goals:
      1. Use visualization to include details while illustrating a section of text

      SRI in Computer Lab: Periods 2 & 7
      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      Maroo of the Winter Caves:
      • Review Chapter 3
      • Start reading Chapter 4
      • Explain Artful Artist Role
      1. Finish reading Maroo Chapter 4 / Complete Artful Artist Role
      2. Work on Tic Tac Toe Journaling if needed

      Wednesday, September 21, 2011

      Today in Class: September 21st

      Learning Goals:
      1. Identify high frequency spelling words to study.
      2. Develop open-ended questions about a text.

      • Portfolio Set-up: Select color/add name/add grade recording sheets
      • Spelling: Review pre-test / Hi-light correct words / Record score in portfolio / Select 4 words to study for the next two weeks
      • Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      • Maroo of the Winter Caves: Review Summarizer roles / Start reading Chapter 3 / Start Discussion Director Role
      1. Finish Maroo Chapter 3 / Discussion Director Role
      2. Spelling Homework Sheet (Words/Sentences)

      Tuesday, September 20, 2011

      Today in Class: September 20th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Summarize a text.

      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      Maroo of the Winter Caves:
      • Review Connector Roles
      • Read Chapter 2 in groups
      • Start Summarizer Role
      1. Finish Maroo Chapter 2 / Summarizer Role
      2. Tic Tac Toe Journaling #2 due Monday, September 26th

      Monday, September 19, 2011

      Today in Class: September 19th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Make connections to a text.

      Grammar: Unit 1:Sentences - Pretest (not included in your marking period average)
      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice
      Maroo of the Winter Caves:
      1. Reading Preview: Character Family Tree / Setting
      2. Literature Circles: Discuss criteria for Connector Role / Read Chapter 1
      1. Read 15+ minutes
      2. Finish reading Maroo Chapter 1 / Connector Role

      Friday, September 16, 2011

      Today in Class: September 16th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Increase understanding of literary terms.
      2. Identify the main idea of an article.

      Collect HW: Thank you notes
      Artifact Bags: Practice using items to make inferences
      • "Never Forget" - Americans remember 9/11
      • "Dining Dilemma" - Should kids be banned from restaurants?
      1. Finish TicTacToe Journaling by Monday

      Thursday, September 15, 2011

      Today in Class: September 15th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Edit a rough draft draft to create a corrected copy.
      2. Correctly address an envelope.

      6th Grade High-Frequency Spelling List: Pretest (50 words)
      • Use our notes to make corrections to your final copy
      • Address an envelope to send to Mr. Stoddard - pencil first, then pen once we've checked it
      Artifact Bags: Inferencing Practice

      1. Finish thank you note final copy - get a stamp if possible
      2. Read 15+ minutes every night
      3. Scholastic Book Orders - due Friday, September 23rd

      Wednesday, September 14, 2011

      Today in Class: September 14th

      Learning Goals:
      1. Edit writing to create a final copy.
      2. Correctly write and format an envelope.

      Library Orientation: Set up passwords / find something to read (Periods 2&8)
      Artifact Bags: Inferencing practice

      1. Read 15+ minutes
      2. Work on Tic Tac Toe Journaling if needed