Learning Goals
~ Build reading independence and stamina.~ Use strategies to raise the level of your narrative writing.
~ Define and give examples of factors, multiples, prime numbers, and square numbers.
~ Name characteristics of the lead character in a novel.
Agenda (Day 4 - Music)
- Warm-up: Fx it Sentences
- Writing: Try writing in a way that lets your reader experience the moment along with you. / Conferencing, Revising with Partners
- Reading & Language: Characteristics & Interests Collage, Read to Self, Small Groups: "Frindle"
- Literary Terms: Conflict, Protagonist, Characteristics, Fiction Genres
- Math (Session 1.6): Finding Factors, Puzzle Assessment
- Nutrition: Five Food Groups / Examples
1. Read at least 15 minutes2. Math pages 21 & 22
3. Gather more words from magazines or newspapers for your collage
4. Writing Homework Session 3: Edit your writing using the checklist & gather a couple more entries (story ideas)