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Monday, January 10, 2011

Today in Class: January 10th

Learning Goals 
1. Spell and know the meaning of homophone pairs.
2. Describe the different types of fiction genres.
3. Support responses with detailed facts, arguments, examples, or other information.
4. Identify possessive nouns and use apostrophes correctly to make nouns possessive. 

  • Warm-up: Genre review / Collect grammar worksheet
  • Genres: Review types / practice together / on own
  • Writing Journal: Discuss criteria / start first entry
  • Possessive Nouns: Notes / Discussion / Practice
1. Complete Homophone Project by Friday
2. Finish journal response by tomorrow:
Reflect on your experiences during the first few months at Pine Grove. What have been the most challenging parts? What have you liked the most? What surprised you about middle school?